My Very First Blog
The Very First Blog of a crazy Idiot

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sub: SHUT UP.

#: shut up!

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devil's play

he: Eventually, finally, ultimately, you shall get married!
    Eventually, finally, and Hopefully I shall get married!
    So tell me, Why can't we marry each other? Would you please consider marrying me when you decide to marry?

she: (:P) I didn't decide to get married. My dad decided to marry me off.

h: Say, Would you like it, if I go to your dad and ask him for your hand?

s: He would kick you out.

h: Ahh... I'll take care of it all. What do 'you' think?

s: You don't stand a chance.

h: And why wouldn't I?

s: Because I won't give you any.

h: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought you like me.

s: Did I ever tell you so?

h: No, I assumed it. Thats why I apologize.

s: Hey, you needn't; may be I should. I got my own reasons and its not because of u; it is all because of me... so i can never accept anyone. I'm sorry...

Now guys, What could the reasons be?

Still puzzled about the title and the dialog? They say idle minds are devil's play ground. This is something that my idle mind hatched. So do play along and find some curious reasons. :) Here are my guesses.

  • If he's good and he doesn't have a chance means... If my guess is right, she is committed!
  • or may be heart broke
  • or may be married..sakhi/saathiya style ;)
  • This one's a big story. Once upon a time, she was in a railway station waiting for her train. A couple came running for the train on the other platform but missed it. As the train left the platform, it revealed a bunch of guys with big axes and long swords on the other side of the track. They came on to the platform and brutally hacked the couple to death. Seeing that incident made her mortally terrified of love.

Geez, I'm watching too many telugu movies. Now, it's your turn to be creative guys.... :)

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Too many things

Too private to put on the blog. Shall let you know when I can. :)

As for rest of the stuff, I'm done with exams. D in the one I wrote best. And still awaiting rest of the results, expecting an F for sure and possibly two more (out of four exams in total). Of course I'm disturbed. But nothing I can do about it now. Don't even try preaching me. You think I don't know all that? I know. But I'm too weak to fight my own short comings. To refine (or what ever the word might be) my self. I got used to standing idle and seeing things like a spectator and giving up became a habit. sucks I know.

On second thoughts, say what ever you want. But do not expect any explanation from me.

Then, after we are done with that, I'm back home for vacations and wish I weren't. Stupid fights. Mostly my ego again. Or may be not. I really don't care. Everyone says, I'm an asshole. I might be. But I can't say that. Again, I don't care. Put in other words. I'm too lazy to bother.

Okay, now I'm too lazy to continue the post.

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