Is it a writers block? or can I better call it Blogger's Block. For some time now I found my self trying to make a post but discontinue it in middle and discard it. So many things to share and I couldn't make a single post. Anyways if I do continue this post till the end and post, it may imply thatI may get back to blogging very soon.
Incidentally, I was busy trying to install slackware on my pc. I use two seagate 40gb HDDs on an ite 8212 chipset in raid 0(striping mode). I got the source and compiled it as well. I was abble to install it even, but only once. I changed the kernel name to jfs.s and replaced the original jfs kernel on the slackware disc1 using winiso. It worked, though only once. I got a slack up and running. Then I got too over enthusiastic and tried to install kernel 2.6 and screwed up everything. Now I can't even install the original disc with my kernal. It installs fine but won't boot. and won't load modules. I really need help. Kousik are you listening, plzzzzzzz.
and :)
Thank you but I'm so sure the self-contradictions thing was not a compli but anyway...
take care..
That last comment was just my ego speaking, just because I can't accept my mistake.
I didn't think of it when I discarded them and its too tough to write them now from memory without the emotions.