My Very First Blog
The Very First Blog of a crazy Idiot

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New Bike :->

Yeppie!! I got a new bike. Bought Hero Honda Ambition 133. Yeah, I know there is a new 135 in the market. Thats why I got the bike onto road(Including trivial expances like tips to the boy and stuff) at a price of Rs.45,750. a whole 6k less.

Dad says I can't take it to hyderabad or college. I'll worry about that later. I'm planning to take it t hyd next summer when I do my internship and GRE coaching. Then may be dad will get confidence and let me take it to college too. who knows?

If you are still wondering about what happened to all my nasty mood a couple of weeks ealier, I had snapped out of it quite a little while back. Some one who really matters told the magic words. I don't know weather they really means it or not, but they did say it, even if accidentally or if its a slip off. Now I'm happy.(not so much ofcourse).

